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Greenleas School


PSHE and Values at Greenleas

Greenleas is proud to have been awarded the Values-Based Quality Mark as recognition of the vital role that Values play in the life of the school. At Greenleas, every aspect of school life, is based on the way that values are lived. It is transformational, in that it invites cultural change that is based on equity and respect for all. It is challenging, as it calls us to ask what we can give to life, as opposed to what can we get from life. It promotes a way of being that values the self, others and the environment. It is simple: yet profound in its effects.


These are our principles for PSHE and Values:

  1. Values underpin the ethos of the whole school community.

  2. Children take their learning from PSHE and Values teaching into the rest of their time at school and at home.

  3. Whole school and year group assemblies and circle times are fun and interactive.

  4. Learning is purposeful and gives the children a moral compass for their life beyond school.

  5. PSHE and Values teaching gives children the vocabulary to confidently express and discuss their feelings and behaviour.

  6. Teachers are knowledgeable and confident in teaching Values and PSHE.

  7. PSHE and Values inspires our children and helps them develop into happy, confident and responsible citizens.


Values Champion Award                                                       

We are excited to introduce our Values Champion Award. Children ranging from reception to Y4 have been chosen by their classmates because they have demonstrated our school values such as respect, co-operation and understanding.

To celebrate, the children enjoyed a special tea party with Mrs Clarke. The award will be given out at the end of each half term with classes taking turns to vote for their Values Champion.

Statement on British Values
The Department for Education has published updated guidelines on promoting British Values in schools. (November 2014)

Statement of Intent At Greenleas

We provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own culture and develop their understanding of the cultural influences that have shaped modern Britain. We understand the role that this education plays in protecting children from radical and extremist ideas through the promotion of the below British Values, as identified in the Prevent Strategy 2011.


• Democracy

• The Rule of Law

• Individual Liberty

• Mutual respect and tolerance


• Democracy is active within the school. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council and Pupil questionnaires. The election of School Council Reps is based solely on pupil votes.
• Children also have the opportunity to vote for Values Champions - an award to celebrate those children demonstrating the school values.

The Rule of Law

•The importance of rules to keep us safe are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days.
•Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind rules, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when rules are broken.
•Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.
•Through the RE curriculum children learn that their right to hold differing faiths and beliefs is protected in law.


Individual Liberty


•Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms through our Values Education and PSHE curriculum, e.g. "It’s good to be me", Independence, Flexiblity and Fairness.

•Within school pupils are actively supported to make choices by our safe and supportive environment.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance


•Sports activities promote an attitude of equality and fairness.

•Our PSHE curriculum embodies values of mutual respect.

•The school runs buddy schemes to develop mutual respect between pupils across different phases.

•Weekly celebration assembly places equal value on pupils’ achievements.

•One school on two sites promotes an ethos of diversity yet equality.
