Our Values and Ethos
Greenleas, is first and foremost a Values School. Values underpin the ethos of the whole school community, and give the children a moral compass for their life beyond the school. They inspire and empower our children to grown into happy, confident and responsible citizens who understand they need to give back to society.
Our School Creed describes the ethos and culture of Greenleas School. It is underpinned by our Mission, Aims and Values.
Our School Creed
This is our school,
Let peace live here.
Let the rooms be full of happiness.
Let love be all around,
Love of one another,
Love of all people,
And love of life and living.
Let us remember
That as many hands build a house,
So many hearts make a school.
Our Mission
Everyone in our Greenleas family is special, valued and contributes to our outstanding school. We nurture happy, healthy and confident children to achieve EXCELLENCE. Our ENRICHED, engaging activities enable all our children to ENJOY their learning and do their best in a safe and stimulating environment.
Our Aims
To provide a welcoming and secure environment where children feel safe and able to learn.
To develop happy, confident children who are considerate towards others and demonstrate high standards of behaviour
To support children in becoming well rounded individuals where they naturally demonstrate the values in all aspects of their lives.
To treat our children as individuals and help them to fulfil their own potential
To provide strong leadership and management
To have an excellent team of well informed staff with a shared vision and sense of purpose
To maintain high standards of achievement in all areas of learning
To provide a wide ranging, rich, active learning curriculum in a well maintained interesting and stimulating environment
To have effective assessment for learning to track individual children’s progress
To deliver outstanding teaching and learning opportunities which facilitate challenge and accelerated progress
To have continued high standards of key skills in preparation for lifelong learning
To implement high quality , targeted intervention which impacts upon learning and progress
To provide high quality music, arts, and sport and recognise and celebrate children’s achievements in all these and other activities
To continue to embrace new technology in order to enhance teaching and learning
To work in partnership with our Pre-schools, our Learning Community and other local schools
To be a centre of the local community through extended services, providing a range of facilities for families, celebrating and embracing all cultures
To build teams which facilitate excellence, enrichment and enjoyment
Our core values are Respect, Trust, Perseverance and Enthusiasm. Visit our Values page to learn more about Values at Greenleas and British Values.