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Greenleas School

Home Page

Greenleas School

Ducks and Ducklings

Welcome to Ducks Class. We are the Pre Reception Class at Derwent Road.

Myself, (Mrs Abbott, class teacher), Mrs Baines and Miss Kent (class teaching assistants) look forward to sharing this important part of your child's learning journey with you.  Please do not hesitate to ask us if you have any queries or questions or need to tell us anything concerning your child.


Please refer to this page for general information and topic overviews.  Our topic for this half term is 'Good to be Me'.  Weekly class newsletters will be also posted so that you have an idea of the activities that you child may take part in whilst at Pre Reception and will also include a learning task that you may wish to complete at  home with your child to support their learning.


Please ensure that all items of clothing and belongings are marked clearly with your child's name.  In Pre Reception we access the outside area in all weathers, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.  The children also take part in a weekly forest school session, as well as accessing our grass bank area other times during the week.  Therefore they will need a named pair of wellies to be kept at school.  Some parents like to also send in waterproofs/puddlesuits for their children for our forest school sessions, however if you wish to do so, please ensure that your child is able to put this on and remove it themselves.  

In Pre Reception your child will need a named bag to take home their 'works of art'.  We highly recommend that these are the Greenleas School bookbags as they fit A4 paper in perfectly and also take up less storage room at school.  It's helpful if you could attach a keyring to your child's bag in order to help them to be able to identify it.  You do not need to bring spare clothes to Pre Reception, unless your child frequently has accidents.  We do have spare clothes in school in case of occasional accidents.  

Please make sure that your child arrives to school everyday with a named water bottle.  This must be carried and not put in their bookbags to avoid spillages.

Your child DOES NOT need a P.E. kit.  We do take part in P.E. lessons in the hall, but only require that the children remove their shoes, socks/tights and sweatshirts/cardigans.  On P.E days, some parents prefer to send their children in leggings or black joggers for comfort and to make it easier for their child to not have to contend with tights etc.

If your child is staying for wrap-around and is having packed lunch, please make sure that you pack an appropriate amount of lunch for your child and that their lunch is suitable.  There is more guidance on what to pack in their lunchbox on the website.

Finally, we are a NUT FREE school.  Please ensure that your child does not bring any nuts or nut products (which also includes food like Nutella, peanut butter etc.) into school in their lunchboxes.  We have a number of children and staff with serious nut allergies so let's make sure that we keep everybody safe.




At home learning sheet

Computing Safety For Early Years

Link to parent guide for 0-5 year olds
