We are always looking to add information to our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you think of a question that you believe would be of interest to others please let us know contact us on office@greenleas.net
Q - Starting school - What do I need to know and do?
A - Please click to link to this section in our Admissions page.
Q - When is the deadline for my application?
A - The deadline is in January but the date, set by Central Beds, changes every year. Please click to access the Central Bedfordshire admissions web page.
Q - Do you have places?
A - Places are allocated by Central Beds, who manage the admissions and any waiting lists. This also applies to in year transfers. Please visit their web site for more information by clicking the link Central Bedfordshire admissions web page.
Q - Does Greenleas manage the applications for Pre-school and Early Years?
A - Pre-school - Yes, this is managed by Greenleas Pre-school please see our Admissions Page
A - Nursery - Yes, this is managed by Greenleas School please Admissions Page
Q - What is the admissions criteria for school?
A - As this is updated each year, please view the link to the Central Bed Admissions then select Admissions Arrangements for the relevant year. Within this you will find a pdf document, Admissions Criteria Standard Policy.
Q - What is the Greenleas' catchment area?
A - As this can change please click on the link to see the latest list provided by Central Bed Admissions
Q - Starting nursery / preschool / early years / reception class -
Q - What is the difference? - Please click to link to our explanation sheet.
Q - At what age can my child start? - Please click to link to our chart.
Q - Is there funding for pre-school? - Please click to link to this section in our Admissions page.
Q - Do you have places at pre-school? - For more information and who to contact please click here.
Q - In year transfers - What is the procedure?
A - Please click to link to our Admissions page.
Q - When can I speak to my child’s teacher?
A - You are welcome to speak to your child’s teacher at the end of the school day/session. The start of the day tends to be very busy, so we request that only urgent messages are passed on in the morning. If you require a longer meeting, it should be arranged with your child’s teacher.
Q - What do I do if my child is ill?
A - Please telephone the School Office (Derwent Road 01525 371735 Kestrel Way 01525 385356). You should call every morning that your child is unwell.Or send a message to school via the Gateway App.
Q - What should I do if my child has medicine?
A - If the medicine MUST be given during the school day, take the medicine to the School Office and complete a medicine form. Please note than only prescribed medicines can be given and when dosage is 4 times or more a day. Dosage of three times can be administered before school, after school and before bed. Unless required with meals.
Medicine should be collected by an adult from the school office at the end of the day.
If your child has an asthma inhaler you should complete a medicine form at the School Office. Inhalers are kept in the classroom permanently.
Pupils should never be responsible for medicine; it must be in the care of an adult.
Q - How do I find out how my child is progressing?
A - Parents are invited to a parents’ evening every term. A formal written report is sent to parents in the summer term.
You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher at any time in the school year.
Q - What do I do if my child is being collected by someone else?
A - Inform your child’s class teacher. If your plans change during the school day please telephone the School Office and a message will be passed to the class teacher. Any updates to this information should be advised in person to the school office. You can list people you give permanent permission to collect your child on the Collection Authorisation Form, please visit the School Office to update your form, which must be done in person.
Q - If think my child might be entitled free school meals, who do I contact?
A - Free school meals are now available to all Key Stage 1 children (up to and including Year 2). After that Free School meals are available to families in receipt of benefits, but not working tax credit, with an income of less than £16,190 pa (at time of writing please check Central Beds website for current amount). To apply, or find out if you are eligible please contact the Free School Meals Team on 0300 300 8356.
We encourage any eligible family to apply even if you decide not to take up the meal as pupils in receipt of free school meals receive additional funding for the school and are eligible for a free space at school clubs.
Q- How do I book school dinners?
A - School dinners cost cost £2.20 each (as at Nov 2017 please check with school for current price). They can be paid for individually, weekly or half termly to Harrisons. A form is in the school foyer or see our school meals page which is in the Healthy Eating section of the website under Children. The payment should be in an envelope with the completed form and placed in your child's book bag. This will be collected in the classroom. Or posted in the Harrisons collection box in the school foyer outside the school office. Please click to see more information on our School Meals page.
Q - What happens if I miss a meal?
A - If your child misses a meal, a credit is kept on record. Refunds cannot be given, unless the child is leaving the school.
Q - Can my child have a drink and snack?
A - All pupils are encouraged to drink water regularly throughout the day. Pupils should bring a named water bottle to school every day. Bottles should contain water, no juice or squash please.
A healthy snack is provided free of charge to all pupils up to the end of year 2. Pupils in years 3 and 4 are asked to contribute a small fee if they would like to receive the snack.
All pupils can bring in a healthy snack to eat at break time, no chocolate or crisps please.