Welcome to Ospreys Class at Kestrel Way!
We hope you are ready for Year 4 and we are excited to share your journey with you.
Our Ospreys team is as follows:
Miss Matthews (Class Teacher)
Mrs Banfield/Mrs Clarke
Mrs King / Mrs Prechner
On our class page, you will find updates of our Year 4 journey as well as useful resources and links to learning.
Key days in the week:
We have PE on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is named. This half term we are focusing on Dance.
Enrichment - Spring 1
Friday - For our enrichment, we have Forest School. Please ensure your child has weather appropriate named clothing and footwear in a separate bag.
Reading Books:
In Year 4, children can change their reading books when they have completed them.
Reading diaries will be checked for the Clover Award on Monday.
TT Rockstars - To support your child's fluency of times tables. We will be holding frequent battles!
SpellingShed - To practise National Curriculum spelling words and our Read Write Inc words.
Please check your child's reading diary for our spelling pattern words.
Our Learning Journey of Year 4