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Greenleas School

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Greenleas School


Safeguarding at Greenleas

Greenleas School Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

Mrs Rebecca Clarke, Head Teacher


In her absence the Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:

Miss Gemma Grossman, Deputy Head Teacher - Kestrel Way

Mrs Sarah Horne, Deputy Head Teacher - Derwent Road


Greenleas' Safeguarding Governors are:

Mrs Emily Wilding, Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Dorothy Smith, Staff Governor


The safeguarding leads can be contacted via the school office.

01525 371735/385356 option 1 Derwent Road School Office, option 2 Kestrel Way School Office




Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility.  If you believe a child is at risk you should contact the Local Authority Helpdesk 0300 300 8585. 

Please click link below to view our Policies and select Safeguarding Policy from the list