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Greenleas School

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Greenleas School

Late/Absence Procedure

The Importance of High Attendance

Greenleas School recognises the strong link between attainment and attendance and the important role parents play in ensuring that attendance is as high as possible.

A student's progress  can be adversely affected if they do not regularly attend school.
To illustrate:

"90% attendance is an average of one day out of school per fortnight over a school year!"

It is clearly understood that there are exceptional circumstances when levels of attendance may fall below 96% or even 95% for reasons beyond the student and parents' control. However, these are very rare exceptions rather than the rule.

It is very important that parents and carers speak with the Class Teacher at the earliest opportunity if they have any worries at all about ensuring the regular and punctual attendance of their child.  Whilst we will provide support and guidance, it is ultimately the parents' legal responsibility to ensure their child's regular attendance.  

If your child is unwell:
Parents and carers must telephone the school or send a message via the app on the first day of their child's absence and every day thereafter. Parents must record their child's name, class, the reason for absence and the expected date of return. The school office staff will transfer this information each day to the class registers.


The Health Protection Agency advises school that if a child has vomiting or diarrhoea then they will be unable to return to school for 48 hours to minimise the spread of infection.


Requesting Leave of Absence
To request a leave of absence during term time please complete the relevant form and return to school. Please read the Guidelines which are attached that outlines the school's policy with regard to Leave of Absence during term time and the school day.
