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Greenleas School

Home Page

Greenleas School

Greenleas Governors

Welcome from the Chair

On behalf of the board of Governors and myself, a very warm welcome to our school website and Governors’ section.  We are very proud of our school and feel privileged to support Mrs Clarke and all of the staff in delivering a varied, stimulating education for our children. 

Our aim is to provide a safe, caring and inspiring environment for children. At Greenleas all children are encouraged and challenged to reach their full potential. Together we work hard to ensure that we provide the best possible education for all our pupils. 
In this section you will find information about:

•    The roles and responsibilities of the Board of Governors
•    What Governance means at Greenleas and how to become a school Governor
•    The individual Governors on our board
•    The Governing Board committees and arrangements
•    A list of Governors’ Details and Register of Interests


If you have a concern that touches on the day-to-day life of the school, or an issue that is affecting your child, please read our 'Who to Contact' list on the Key Information page. 


Find out more about the rewarding role of Governor in the sections below.


Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and the governors section. I hope you enjoy reading and, if you would like to get in touch, please contact me directly on email: or the Clerk to the Governing Board, email: 


Sarah Powell 
Chair of Governors
