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Greenleas School

Sports Premium

Sports Premium

Greenleas School Sports Premium Funding 
The Sports Premium Grant (SPG) was introduced by the Government in September 2013 as an annual grant which is additional to main school funding, and is therefore ring-fenced for expenditure on the provision of Sport and PE in schools.  Schools must spend this funding to make additional and sustainable improvements in the quality of PE and sport activities offered to all pupils in the manner which they deem appropriate.
At Greenleas we are passionate about providing high quality Physical Education and sports activities for all children in order to promote healthy lifestyles, participation in competitive sport and wellbeing derived from physical activity. Greenleas has been awarded the Platinum School Games Mark, which is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. This is a celebration of :

  • Greenleas' engagement in the School Games and our delivery of 60 active minutes for every child,
  • How we create positive experiences to ensure physical activity and competition provision is designed to reflect the motivation, competence and confidence of our young people and has a clear intent
  • The creation of positive experiences which develop character in our chidren

The SPG funding may not be used for existing PE provision, so at Greenleas it is directed to enrich and enhance our sports curriculum.  Use of the SPG funding for the academic year  was as follows:


For the academic year 2022-23 the school received £20,677 in Sports Premium Funding.
