We believe that the early identification of additional needs is key to ensuring targeted and appropriate support is put in place when and where necessary.
At Greenleas Pre-school when a key person begins to notice a child is having difficulty or not making the expected progress a child is monitored. Strategies are used to support a child and any outlined concerns are reported to parents and the Special Educational Needs
Coordinator (SENCo). The SENCo in Pre-school is Bindia Sexton.
If the key person or parents are still concerned after half a term of monitoring, further interventions and strategies will be employed to try to meet more specific needs and to close any gaps in learning.
For those children with an Education Health Care Plan (previously known as a Statement) the SENCo will work closely with the key person, family, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Support Team and outside agencies to ensure more specialist provision is being provided.
The SENCo is responsible for coordinating and monitoring all interventions and measuring the impact they have on a child’s progress. Additional support will primarily be delivered through quality first teaching in the Pre-school. If further support is required small group work and 1:1 assistance will be offered. The SENCo is also responsible for providing advice to staff on areas of need, resources, materials and effective strategies to use.
If required, additional advice is sought from professional agencies including speech and language, educational psychologists and Early Years specialist teachers. We aim to work closely with parents and ensure they are fully involved in the whole process including identification of need and planning targets for their child.
The school’s policy on SEND can be found on this website. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Pre-school Manager - Bindia Sexton.