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Greenleas School

Home Page

Greenleas School


Welcome to Hawks!

It has been great to welcome the children back to school. We are excited to share our Year 4 journey with you. 







Key days in the week: 



We have PE on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is named. 


Enrichment - Autumn 1

Friday - For our enrichment, we have Young Leader training. Please ensure your child has appropriate named clothing and weather appropriate clothing. 


Reading Books:


In Year 4, children can change their reading books when they have completed them. 

Reading diaries will be checked for the Clover Award on Monday. 




TT Rockstars - To support your child's fluency of times tables. We will be holding frequent battles! 

SpellingShed - To practise National Curriculum spelling words and our Read Write Inc words. 

Please check your child's reading diary for our spelling pattern words. 

We have been learning about how important it is to look after our teeth. We used a disclosing tablet to see any plague we had on our teeth and then brushed them to see if we could remove the dye.

We found something all the children are good at! Eating! They also made some wonderful pasta sauce.

Sound work in science.

World Book Day
